June 1, 2021

House of the Dead: What to know when Buying a Deceased Estate

Buying a deceased estate, may be off putting for some, but for others it can be a potential goldmine. It can definitely be an exciting fresh start for first-time buyers, and a particularly strong investment for those willing to breath new life into a property. It's important to know that the executors of an estate are motivated to sell at market value, they don’t carry the same profit-based incentives as your average seller.
November 21, 2018

The Great Australian Dream We Were Sold

Whilst the American dream is defined by the pursuit of prosperity through a vaguely defined sense of liberty our own national dream is a lot more concrete. Home ownership, plain and simple, is what came to define the image of Australian success in the post-war period. A dream made reality by a growing population and low unemployment. It’s an actualisation many see as the cause of our substantial urban sprawl and it’s a process that has made a lot of people a lot of money. In today’s Australia, one of greater social and cultural diversity and a property market of similar complexity, perhaps the great Australian dream needs a new lick of paint.