August 9, 2017

Seeing before buying Property Investment.

One of my clients has ten investment properties and has only seen three of them. Most people would think this was crazy… buying something without seeing it. In some cases, clients have bought and sold a property over a 10 year period, and never once stepped into the front door. If you are just getting into property investing, you may find this difficult to do initially, however you eventually realise, working with the right team, people that you trust, take care it for you.
July 12, 2017

Queensland. Beautiful one day, Investor paradise the next.

In the last 5 years, New South Wales (specifically Sydney) has delivered on ‘near perfect’, if you are an investor. (If you are NRL State Origin supporter than this is the opposite case for you).Whilst the Sydney market is ‘in and out of the bubble’ talk of late, it is important to focus on the future. This is where Queensland has already turned the tide. With foreseeable smooth sailing to the Whitsundays!! There are so many great reasons why you should have an investment property in Queensland, if you haven't already. If you have, maybe it's time for another.
July 12, 2017

The Highlights from the Federal Budget – Property Investors

The highlights from the federal budget for the property investors: Negative gearing tax break will remain untouched, Travel property expenses can no longer be incurred (this applies to all travel expenses), If plant and equipment was purchased by a previous owner, you as the current owner, cannot depreciate this expense, First homebuyers can use voluntarily superannuation contributions to build a home deposit fund, Capital gains tax reduction in affordable housing. Note specifics around time-frames.
July 3, 2017

How will Badgerys Creek Airport affect Western Sydney Property?

The impact of Badgery's Creek Airport and Western Sydney Property will be significant. The Badgery's Creek Airport is 15 years away from completion. That's in my books, a total of two property cycles. We are already seeing an impact on property prices around the Badgery's Creek area. We will continue to see this, but how fast, will be determined by, the release of land and housing, population growth, business growth, government and infrastructure support.
March 5, 2017

Basic Property Investment Strategy!

Property Investment can and is very basic. The more basic the better in most cases. If you are not involved in property investing on a daily basis, then naturally it won't feel so basic to you when you first start out. But let me assure you, it can be made basic. If you get good advice and don't overcomplicate things. In this video I discuss: What is a basic investment strategy, What input will this need from you, what you need to consider.
February 26, 2017

Why Attend Seminars? The Extra Benefits!

Two people can attend the same seminar and have a completely different experience. One can take a passive approach, and let information come to them. The other can take an interactive approach, and engage with the speakers, the seminar organisers, other people in the room. Meeting like-minded people is one the key benefits of attending a seminar, where you are interested in the topic being spoken about. If it's a property seminar, you can learn so much in a couple of hours, by not just listening to the speakers, but walking the room and asking people questions. This is how I came to start my business.
February 26, 2017

Interview Mykolas Kaliaclus – Finance Broker

A trusted and knowledgeable finance broker, is one of the most important partners you can have when you join the world of property investing. A finance broker can provide you leverage and strategies on best management of your total portfolio. Here I am interviewing Mykolas Kaliacius, Finance Broker from CFC Finance.
February 19, 2017

What’s best for You ? Property or other Investments?

Before jumping in to answer where you would go property or other investments, there are three key areas that you should be considering, which I discuss in this video: Leverage, what you are passionate about and liquidity. Based on your current situation and aspirations, looking at the benefits and risks for you, in respect to each area and then the total outlook.
February 19, 2017

Property Investing Seminar Insights

Continuous learning. Even for the people that have been in the game for a long time and have had a lot of success. You are never too young or too old to keep learning. This Property Investing Seminar provided some great insights into what's happening in the market, what is trending, what's new, and lots of questions. Watch the video for my wrap-up.
November 4, 2016

Should Parents provide financial assistance to their child?

There are a lot of things to consider if you are parent when it comes to supporting or giving your children a kick-start to their financial future. It's a personal decision. Property prices are increasing, and therefore it is becoming more difficult to enter the property market, and will be a lot more difficult in 10 years time. This may be the time when your children might be able to afford a property, however, the property prices has increased again, and they are pushed out of the market. Here are tips of financing your children's future.