Crypto Currency Archives - searchpartyproperty

Crypto Currency

December 13, 2017

I love Property, but I am also Loving Bitcoin, and here’s why…

I jumped on the Bitcoin Bus 3 months ago, prompted by a combination of the following factors: (1) Borrowing was and is becoming more difficult for property investors. (2) Crypto Currency caught and held my attention for longer than other fleeting investment strategies. (3) I was fortunate enough to meet some who I connected with, who I could trust and learn from, that is involved in Crypto Currency.
January 9, 2018

Australian Property Market in 2018 – What’s Hot & Not So Hot!

The Hot, and the not so hot, (or the watch-outs), in Property in 2018. Don't be scared off, if you are investing, there is plenty of investment opportunity. It will come down to doing your homework, getting sound advice, making the right decision and then following through.