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Property Investment Strategy

July 28, 2022

How to Best Use Your Equity for Investing and Renovations

As a property investor, equity is the key to your long term success. It reflects the increasing value of your portfolio and will make up a significant proportion of your returns. It can also help fund further growth of your portfolio, either through renovating your existing properties or buying new ones. But exactly how do you use your existing equity to boost your portfolio growth? And how do you make sure you are getting the best possible return from this reinvestment?
August 8, 2022

Financing Multiple Investment Properties – What to do When You Hit Your Borrowing Capacity

If you are like most investors, your borrowing capacity will have a major impact on the growth of your portfolio. Your budget for each purchase will usually be highly dependent on how much money you can access. And your ability to take out further loans will dictate whether you can buy further investment properties. But no matter how successful of an investor you are, there is a limit to how much you can borrow. So, what happens when you have reached your capacity and cannot borrow more? How do you keep your investment growing and continue making progress toward your goals?
August 24, 2022

What to do When there is Uncertainty and Fear in the Market

Right now, the property market probably seems even more unpredictable than usual. With interest rates increasing and prices falling in many areas, it is hard to know what move to make next. This is understandably causing anxiety for many investors, who are afraid of costing themselves dearly by making the wrong call.
August 30, 2022

What’s Good Debt?

Debt is a bit of a complex topic for property investors. We need it to fund further purchases, grow our portfolios, and can even use it to reduce our tax bills. However, it can also eat into our returns, negate our gains, and even drive us to sell off assets. Based on this, many investors view debt as a “necessary evil” – something that should be used sparingly and managed conservatively. While this approach should help minimise the risks associated with taking on debt, it can actually inhibit portfolio growth. It also overlooks that not all debt is created equal, and that some debt is actually good debt.