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Buying Property

August 30, 2022

What’s Good Debt?

Debt is a bit of a complex topic for property investors. We need it to fund further purchases, grow our portfolios, and can even use it to reduce our tax bills. However, it can also eat into our returns, negate our gains, and even drive us to sell off assets. Based on this, many investors view debt as a “necessary evil” – something that should be used sparingly and managed conservatively. While this approach should help minimise the risks associated with taking on debt, it can actually inhibit portfolio growth. It also overlooks that not all debt is created equal, and that some debt is actually good debt.
September 8, 2022

How to Track Your Income and Expenses for your Investment Property

In many ways, getting the most from your property portfolio is really a matter of good administration. This is particularly true when it comes to tracking your finances, which can directly impact the returns you receive. But keeping across all your incomings and outgoings takes work, especially if you own multiple investment properties. This begs a few important questions – like, which numbers do you really need to record? How much detail do you need to go into? And what are the best ways to keep track of this information?
September 11, 2022

Tax Considerations Property Investors Need to be Aware Of

How you manage your tax obligations can have a big impact on the profitability of your property portfolio. Get this right and you minimise your annual tax bill and maximise your regular rental returns. Get this wrong and you could end up paying more and possibly even put your portfolio growth at risk. Here we take a closer look at a few of the main tax considerations property investors need to think about. We will look at what they involve and how they can affect your return on investment. We will also share our advice on optimising your tax obligations.
September 18, 2022

What is a Depreciation Schedule, and Do I Need One?

For most property investors, depreciation is one of the biggest deductions they can claim come tax time. However, in our experience, it is also one of the most overlooked, with many investors missing it completely. This is particularly true for first timers, who are usually red-hot on claiming other expenses but generally forget about depreciation. To help address this, we want to take a closer look at what depreciation is and how it works. We will also explore how it is calculated and how you go about claiming it.