First Time Property Investing Archives - Page 3 of 33 - searchpartyproperty

First Time Property Investing

February 26, 2017

Interview Mykolas Kaliaclus – Finance Broker

A trusted and knowledgeable finance broker, is one of the most important partners you can have when you join the world of property investing. A finance broker can provide you leverage and strategies on best management of your total portfolio. Here I am interviewing Mykolas Kaliacius, Finance Broker from CFC Finance.
February 26, 2017

Why Attend Seminars? The Extra Benefits!

Two people can attend the same seminar and have a completely different experience. One can take a passive approach, and let information come to them. The other can take an interactive approach, and engage with the speakers, the seminar organisers, other people in the room. Meeting like-minded people is one the key benefits of attending a seminar, where you are interested in the topic being spoken about. If it's a property seminar, you can learn so much in a couple of hours, by not just listening to the speakers, but walking the room and asking people questions. This is how I came to start my business.
March 5, 2017

Basic Property Investment Strategy!

Property Investment can and is very basic. The more basic the better in most cases. If you are not involved in property investing on a daily basis, then naturally it won't feel so basic to you when you first start out. But let me assure you, it can be made basic. If you get good advice and don't overcomplicate things. In this video I discuss: What is a basic investment strategy, What input will this need from you, what you need to consider.
July 12, 2017

The Highlights from the Federal Budget – Property Investors

The highlights from the federal budget for the property investors: Negative gearing tax break will remain untouched, Travel property expenses can no longer be incurred (this applies to all travel expenses), If plant and equipment was purchased by a previous owner, you as the current owner, cannot depreciate this expense, First homebuyers can use voluntarily superannuation contributions to build a home deposit fund, Capital gains tax reduction in affordable housing. Note specifics around time-frames.